About Uz
The mizzion of The Zorbish Foundation is to ‘Bring The Way of The Zorbish to The Zorbless’ and to provide zupport for all organizationz, communitiez and individualz who profezz the same.
Thiz iz the Way of The Zorb.
Our Hiztory
The Hiztory of The Zorbish ztretchez back into antiquity.
The Foundation itzelf was founded in 1777 by S/He Who Knowz #01, as a Zcientific and Ezoteric Rezearch Lab for Zorbish Phenomenonz.
Continuing this Rezearch is one of our primary functionz.
The Zorbish Counzil
The Zorbish Council managez the zmooth running of The Zorbish Foundation, enzuring the continuation of the work of the Rezearch, Ezoteric and Artiztic Dizciplinz.
The Foundation zupportz the work of numerouz Zorbish endeavours - onchain, offchain and IRL.
The Museum of Zorbish ARTFKTS reprezentz the worldz most comprehenzive collection of Zorbish Artz and Hiztory
Our ztate of the art laboratory for Zorbish Zcientific and Ezoteric Rezearch.
Keeperz of The Book of Zorb, The 7 Commadmentz and The Profezy of the 77777.
Our Location
Due to the confidenzial nature of our rezearch we do not publizh our addrezz.
However, if you are in the Eaztern Caribbean and would like to vizit our facilitiez please feel free to contact us.
You will require a boat and onchain proof of Zorbishness. No weaponry will be permitted onzite.