ZORBISH LABZ is The Foundation’s zentre for Zcientific Rezearch. +++ We develop novel Zorbic Manifeztations and build the Zemetic Codex that will define the onchain future of The Zorbish Way for the coming decadez and centuriez. +++ We are committed to zharing our dizcoveriez with the wider Zorbish Communitiy.
Our rezearch is guided by these wordz:
“If you want to find the zecrets of the universe, think in termz of energy, frequenzy and vibrazion.”
― S/He Who Knowz #61
Our zpecialist lab for the ztudy of novel manifeztations of Zorbic Energy.
Advanczed Numeroillogical Zymbolizticz.
The Zcience Collection.
Collect the results of the latest rezearch into the Manifeztationz of Zorbish Energy.
LABS ref Z23/7177-4
Radiant Zone rezonance field tezt inveztigating the relazional harmonicz transz- vibrazional energy flowz.
LABS ref Z14/7033-x
A zimple reprezentation of encoded codex evolution in zub-harmonic frequenciez
LABS ref Z42/1177-7
A rare recording of algorythmic barrier dizpersal..